Manifesting Grace through Gratitude – Week 3


I made the switch to meditating in the morning. No more falling asleep mid meditation, although I did lie in bed for my morning meditation :) I know it’s not ideal but I’m all about making small changes and making it work for me. The mornings are too cold to get out of bed so I made the choice to continue to lie in bed after my alarm goes off and listen to the daily meditation. I think it really worked for me because I could treat myself with a little lie-in in bed whilst still listening to the guided meditation.

I have really enjoyed this 21 Day Experience and I am sad that it has come to an end. I love listening to the soft dulcet tones of Oprah and Deepak Chopra’s voices. I could just listen to them all day! I love listening to them set the intention for the meditation. I like knowing there’s a purpose. I guess that’s part of why I’ve struggled with meditation in the past. Just sitting there trying to focus on my breath and repeating a mantra to still my mind isn’t enough, even though it should be lol!

I don’t know if it’s practicing meditation in general or the focus of this meditation experience but I do know that I am not the same person I was 3 weeks ago. I feel more at peace and more centered. I feel like I am on the right path to discover and share my life’s purpose. I feel lighter. I feel joy. I feel good.
Is this what grace feels like?

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Happiness in the eye of the beholder

2014 wasn’t the best year for many people I know, myself included. I was not happy with where I was at and regretting many choices I had made. I managed to move past my resentments and started making changes and choices for a better 2015. I just re-read my New Year, New You blog that I posted in January and it’s funny that I’m not doing all the things I intended to. I’m not saying that in a bad way. My priorities have shifted. My intentions have changed with each lesson I have learnt so far this year. I still can’t believe we are already half way through this year!

While I was sick last month I felt really flat and started feeling depressed. This brought up past feelings of resentment and questioning the choices that were made. I am dealing with stress due to my current circumstances and while I thought I was managing it, it was obvious I wasn’t when my body gave up. My circumstances aren’t going to change anytime soon but they are on the path to improving so I just have to keep moving forward. The struggle is trying to maintain a positive mindset and managing stress levels. And that is why I just love this print I downloaded from The Daily Guru because it is so perfect for me right here, right now!


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