Happiness in the eye of the beholder

2014 wasn’t the best year for many people I know, myself included. I was not happy with where I was at and regretting many choices I had made. I managed to move past my resentments and started making changes and choices for a better 2015. I just re-read my New Year, New You blog that I posted in January and it’s funny that I’m not doing all the things I intended to. I’m not saying that in a bad way. My priorities have shifted. My intentions have changed with each lesson I have learnt so far this year. I still can’t believe we are already half way through this year!

While I was sick last month I felt really flat and started feeling depressed. This brought up past feelings of resentment and questioning the choices that were made. I am dealing with stress due to my current circumstances and while I thought I was managing it, it was obvious I wasn’t when my body gave up. My circumstances aren’t going to change anytime soon but they are on the path to improving so I just have to keep moving forward. The struggle is trying to maintain a positive mindset and managing stress levels. And that is why I just love this print I downloaded from The Daily Guru because it is so perfect for me right here, right now!


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Dream chasing

With some inspiration from a friend my mantra for this year is


I set a lot of intentions in the New Year but I now feel like I have bitten off more than I can chew. I am struggling to balance my day to day tasks with my daydreams. I’m even struggling to make the time for my workouts, something that used to be a priority for me! And not fitting into a dress I bought at the Boxing Day sales for a wedding I am going to on Friday was a huge reality check for me. But the silver lining was I got to go dress shopping and I ended up with 3 new dresses! And now my dilemma is which to wear on Friday ;)

Now if only that was the only dilemma in my life. But life isn’t about material things. Sure they make us happy for a few minutes but then what? You’re still you, those bills still need paying, those dramas are still there and the world just keeps on ticking along. Last year my big struggle was not knowing what I wanted. This year I am taking steps towards what I want but I am feeling the pressure of life holding me back. How do I know if what I want is going to be worth it? How do I know if I will succeed? How do I know if it will make me happy?

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