Happiness in the eye of the beholder

2014 wasn’t the best year for many people I know, myself included. I was not happy with where I was at and regretting many choices I had made. I managed to move past my resentments and started making changes and choices for a better 2015. I just re-read my New Year, New You blog that I posted in January and it’s funny that I’m not doing all the things I intended to. I’m not saying that in a bad way. My priorities have shifted. My intentions have changed with each lesson I have learnt so far this year. I still can’t believe we are already half way through this year!

While I was sick last month I felt really flat and started feeling depressed. This brought up past feelings of resentment and questioning the choices that were made. I am dealing with stress due to my current circumstances and while I thought I was managing it, it was obvious I wasn’t when my body gave up. My circumstances aren’t going to change anytime soon but they are on the path to improving so I just have to keep moving forward. The struggle is trying to maintain a positive mindset and managing stress levels. And that is why I just love this print I downloaded from The Daily Guru because it is so perfect for me right here, right now!


I spent some time hanging out with my nephew last night and he was asking me about my wallpaper on my phone which is a photo of me staring at the Great Pyramid in Egypt. He started asking questions about it so I showed him photos of our travels in 2012. He loved it so much he told me that he was going to go there one day and he would ride a camel with me. He’s only 3 and a half so really he pointed at the photo of hubby and me riding camels with the pyramid in the background. He pointed at hubby and said “I go there” and pointed at me and said “tash go there” and then said “we ride camels”. Sorry hubby – guess you’ve been replaced lol!


He liked our photos of Paris but just didn’t understand why we were kissing in front of the Eiffel Tower. And nothing beat his expression looking at our photos with the Leaning Tower of Pisa – how was his uncle holding the tower?! Then we moved onto photos of our honeymoon in 2010 which included Disneyland, Disney World and Universal Orlando – boy did he love all the characters we met, especially the minions – proud aunty moment to make him minion obsessed too!


I just loved watching his excitement looking at these photos and just wished we didn’t live so far away each time he said “I go there” so that I could actually say yes let’s go there tomorrow. We scrolled through more albums and came across my last day of working at the airport.


He was fascinated by my photos with the planes and just kept asking “what you doing?” when we came to the photo of me sitting in the engine. He was mesmerized by this photo, it was so cute! Then he kept going back to the photo of me on the tug and pointing at the window of the plane saying “I fly plane when I bigger”. So I guess we have a future pilot in the making :) And then he can fly us to all of the places he said “I go there” and beyond ;)

It would be amazing if last night planted the seed for his future career but the whole reason I am writing this blog today is because my little nephew inspired me last night! I may not have the career I want right now or thought I would have but I have certainly had fun in all of my workplaces. And while I have regretted my travels because of the financial strain that followed, looking back at these photos has reminded me of all the amazing experiences I have had in the past 5 years. It was really hard to settle down after catching the travel bug but I know my travelling days are not over. The world is such an amazing place and there is so much we can learn from each other, and the best way to do that is to experience other cultures.


So if you are feeling unhappy about your life right now, imagine how your life would look through the eyes of a child. Looking at my life through the eyes of a 3 and a half year old has made me see that I have lived a pretty amazing life. I may not be where I want to be right now but I am heading there and if that’s my biggest problem in the past 5 years then I can live with that xx

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