Manifesting True Success – Week 3

I really enjoyed Weeks 1 and 2 and was looking forward to Week 3. I could already feel a difference inside me. It truly felt like things were falling into place and I didn’t even need to try as hard as I used to!

Week 3 was about putting everything we had learnt so far into practice. And the big thing for me was understanding that success comes from all directions. We all have an idea of what success looks like and when circumstances get in the way we think it equals failure. We fail to open our minds to possibility and often miss an opportunity to success as it was intended. The Day 21 email put it into perfect words:

It is important to realize that success, like reality itself, is multi-dimensional, not linear. Don’t let your old limited beliefs blind you to the unexpected support that can come from any direction. Successful living needs your awareness to be creative, expansive, and receptive to all possibilities, just like creation itself.

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Manifesting True Success – Week 2

1426103858_1831_830x364I began Week 2 a day behind after not making the time for Day 7 last Sunday. On Monday I failed to make the time again which then meant for the rest of the week I was playing catch-up. Knowing I was 2 days behind the whole time created unnecessary stress but I did manage to change my workout routine to morning workouts (half the time at least lol).

I think the fact that I am trying to implement so many changes and feel like they are all a priority is the reason I am struggling to find and maintain balance. But with that said, even though I missed meditations and/or workouts here and there I made sure I found the time to catch up and eventually get them done. Week 1 was about learning how to align choices and aims with the values and worthwhile goals within us. I think that’s exactly what I’ve done this week!

Week 2 is about breaking free of the cycle of static choice-making and introduces the concept of making dynamic choices using the acronym SMART.

S – Stretch more than you can reach
M – Make everything measurable
A – Agreement with your inner self and those around you
R – Record your progress
T – Time limits for acting and getting a result

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Manifesting True Success – Week 1

As a beginner I have been finding it hard to meditate and knew I needed some help. I was so glad to then find out about the Oprah and Deepak Chopra 21 Day Meditation Experience – Manifesting True Success. I signed up straight away and couldn’t wait to start on Monday 16th March. I received emails directing me to sign up to the website and also download the app for the guided audio meditation.

I had tried meditating in the morning but I wanted to switch to working out in the morning so I planned to try meditating before bed. I ended up falling sick so I didn’t work out this week but I still decided to meditate at night and I think that was a good decision. I found it relaxing doing it at this time because I wasn’t thinking about all the things I needed to get done in the day. But I still did find myself getting distracted by my thoughts. Which is ok, being a beginner I know that is to be expected.

The way the experience works is there is a message for each day. To go with this message there is also a centering thought and a mantra. The purpose of this is to awaken our consciousness so that we can manifest the kind of success that is true to who we are. Each meditation begins with Oprah talking about the message of the day. Deepak Chopra then discusses this further and introduces the centring thought and the mantra. He begins the meditation and then soft music plays until chimes announce the end of the meditation. I had never tried guided meditation before but I like this structure. And I especially like the different mantras and message of each day. I find having a ‘purpose’ of each meditation gives it more meaning rather than me just sitting there trying to silence my mind. Continue reading

My meditation journey – Part 1

It was International Women’s Day last Sunday and I attended a ‘Believe’ workshop at the Lorna Jane Active Living Room. The speaker was Sarah Hopkins from and she spoke a lot about setting goals. She asked us what goal/s we were going to set and how we were going to do it. I told her how it had been my goal to meditate every day. I had set this goal a few weeks ago and had only meditated 3 times during this time. She encouraged me to set my goal to three times a week and not feel like I had failed at my goal because at least I had achieved 3 days of meditation.

Day 1

 I started my day with meditation and even though it was a crazy busy in the office (I was the only one in!) I never felt stressed. I couldn’t believe how much meditation had affected my coping ability. I truly believe my day would have been different if I hadn’t meditated in the morning. I really felt that by connecting to myself I had set my intentions and the universe had responded. I still felt like this the next day when I didn’t have time to meditate. I received bad news on my way to the gym and luckily I was doing a weights workout so I could get my frustration out. The funny thing was that throughout the day I continually received signs about meditation.

The best sign was an email I received having subscribed to the gorgeous Gabrielle Bernstein’s mailing list at This email mentioned the Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra Manifesting True Success 21 day meditation experience. It’s free to sign up and helps you learn to unlock your power to bring more brilliance, abundance, and innate prosperity into every aspect of your life. It starts on Monday 16 March and I can’t wait. I feel like this is a sign to help guide my meditation journey whilst also guiding my new path. If you want to join me on this experience sign up here.

2015-03-12 10_58_00-Gabrielle Bernstein, Inc

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