Manifesting True Success – Week 2

1426103858_1831_830x364I began Week 2 a day behind after not making the time for Day 7 last Sunday. On Monday I failed to make the time again which then meant for the rest of the week I was playing catch-up. Knowing I was 2 days behind the whole time created unnecessary stress but I did manage to change my workout routine to morning workouts (half the time at least lol).

I think the fact that I am trying to implement so many changes and feel like they are all a priority is the reason I am struggling to find and maintain balance. But with that said, even though I missed meditations and/or workouts here and there I made sure I found the time to catch up and eventually get them done. Week 1 was about learning how to align choices and aims with the values and worthwhile goals within us. I think that’s exactly what I’ve done this week!

Week 2 is about breaking free of the cycle of static choice-making and introduces the concept of making dynamic choices using the acronym SMART.

S – Stretch more than you can reach
M – Make everything measurable
A – Agreement with your inner self and those around you
R – Record your progress
T – Time limits for acting and getting a result

I really love the idea of making dynamic choices. On my journey of self awareness I have noticed my habit of static choice-making and am constantly trying to get out of my comfort zone. This is not easy. Some choices I can just tell myself to make but others I will go through feelings of anxiety and stress which will make my body tense and my heart race. This is when I know I am making the right choice but it just takes me longer to get there. And this is why I love Week 2 and especially each daily message and perfectly matched mantra:

Day 8 – Smart Choices Smooth the Path
The mantra Aieem Namah aligns your intelligence with the intelligence of life.

Day 9 – Every Choice Can Be Smart
The mantra Eem Hreem Shreem harnesses the forces of success.

Day 10 – Measuring What Matters
The mantra Sharavana Namah gives your mind the ability to track details while not losing the vision of the whole.

Day 11 – Matching Inner and Outer
The mantra Om Houm Namah enlivens that connection between your inner and outer worlds.

Day 12 – To Succeed is to Grow and Flourish
The mantra Om Shreem Namah brings the force of evolution and growth into all aspects of life

Day 13 – Timing for Success
The mantra Om Kala Namah harmonizes your life with the natural flow of time.

Day 14 – Trusting Your Decisions
The mantra Eem Hreem Kleem strengthens trust and confidence that all your actions are guided by the infinite wisdom of your higher self.


I have really thought about every decision I have had to make this week and tried to make sure they were S-M-A-R-T. I still have Day 14 meditation to do. It’s about trusting your decisions. You will never have all the information so all you can do is make your decision according to a higher purpose and trust that this greater intelligence will organise all the details. I really love this notion and have felt this with some decisions which encourages me to trust all of my decisions. I encourage you to do the same xx

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