Become What You Believe – Week 1


 If you have never heard of the 21 Day Meditation Experience here’s a little summary. It’s an guided mediation series with Oprah and Deepak Chopra. Each series has a different focus and each day has a centering thought based on this focus. After signing up you receive daily emails and you can do the guided meditation on the website or you can download the app. 

What I love about the 21 day meditation experience is the focus of each series. And I think the reason is two-fold. For one I feel like it gives me a purpose to meditate. As a beginner I find it very hard to sit still and focus on my breath so I guess having a ‘purpose’ gives me a ‘reason’ to take 20 minutes out of my day and focus on me. I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels they have to justify ‘me time’ when there is a never ending list of to-do items that could be getting done. 

The other reason I love the focus of the series is how it feels like mini life lessons. I have been on a personal growth journey these past couple of years and am always eager to soak up new information. I feel myself drawn to the ‘airy-fairy’ side of things but still have my feet firmly planted in the mainstream convential world. I love reading about all the new science coming out about the benefits of meditation and mindfulness and I feel that builds the bridge between the two world for me. 

And then comes the focus for this meditation series. Become what you believe. Our beliefs are what drives us and they are powerful. As the email I received on Day 1 puts it:

 Out beliefs are always in motion, constantly influencing our thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Our unconscious beliefs are always affecting us as well. To use the power of belief to our greatest benefit, we need to become self-aware. In doing so, we attune our beliefs to our deepest spiritual aspirations. As we continue this Meditation Experience over the next few weeks, we will see our beliefs manifest as greater love, purpose, and meaning in our lives. 

Each day a new meditation is released and with it is a centering thought and a mantra. Here is a summary for the first week: 

Day 1 – Belief is Dynamic and Alive

The mantra Om Bhavam Namah helps to open our awareness to its source, which is pure consciousness.

Day 2 – Belief Gives Us Identity

The mantra So Hum affirms our existence as pure awareness. We are not our body, mind, or ego – we simply are.

Day 3 – Bringing Hidden Beliefs into the Light of the Self

The mantra Om Ritam Namah brings our awareness, understanding, and beliefs into accord with cosmic reality.

Day 4 – Your Positive Beliefs Shape Your Potential

The mantra Sat Chit Ananda describes the full reality of our true Self: who we really are.

Day 5 – What You Identify With, You Become

The mantra Sahas Rara Eem activates a powerful flow of universal knowledge and inspiration into our individual awareness.

Day 6 – Self-Awareness Brings Belief to Light

The mantra Om Hreem Namah simplifies the mind, bringing clarity and unity.

Day 7 – Belief Includes Mind, Body, and Spirit

The mantra Om Ram Ramaya activates balance, strength, and healing in all aspects of life, but especially in the body.

I really enjoyed the insights I got with daily meditation. The one that really resonated with me was when Deepak talked about flipping ‘I’ll believe it when I see it’ on its head and turning it around into ‘I’ll see it when I believe it’. I’ve never really been one to think outside the box but I have really been trying to expand my mind so I guess that’s why this really stood out to me. I can’t wait to see what stands out next week :) 

One thought on “Become What You Believe – Week 1

  1. Pingback: Become What You Believe – Week 2 | findingNQ

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