In search of sleeping beauty

I have always been a girl who needs her beauty sleep. 8 hours was my absolute minimum but my average was usually 7.5hrs. When I was training for my half marathon I started doing early morning runs but it was only a couple of months ago during the Maxine’s Challenge that I finally made the switch to early morning training. They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit and I truly believe that. Every morning when my alarm went off I struggled to wake up but eventually I got used to it and stopped hitting snooze and started jumping out of bed when my alarm went off.

IMG_0058.JPGThe things that helped me make the change and wake up early were:

  • Motivational posts on Instagram and Pinterest
  • Laying out my workout gear the night before
  • Setting up custom alarms to make me get up
  • Making it my routine; starting with twice a week and building from there
  • Reminding myself that by the time I fell asleep again it would be time to wake up so it would be better to use that time training and have the night free to myself

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