New year, New you


Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed celebrating the end of 2014 and beginning of 2015 :)

For me, 2014 was a tough year but I am so much stronger for getting through it. I learned so much about myself and am looking forward to a year of finding happiness, chasing dreams and catching up with friends more often. But in saying that I am so happy to be saying goodbye to last year and eager to enjoy the new beginnings this year has to offer.IMG_1413

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Change begins at the end of your comfort zone

When my alarm went off this morning all I wanted to do was go back to sleep. But I know I prefer to get my exercise out of the way in the morning so I have more time after work to relax or fit in another workout if I want. I never used to train in the morning but halfway through Maxine’s’ Challenge I made the shift and loved how much time it gave me after work. They say it takes 21 days to make a new habit. I really struggled at first but I found that the more it became my new routine. It was hard work to make the change but I now believe it’s better to wake up and workout than to go back to sleep because really what is another hour of sleep really worth?

It still took quite a few minutes to convince myself to get out of my comfy bed and hit the gym but I just had to remind myself that by the time I would fall asleep again my alarm would probably go off so it was better to just it out of the way. And once I was at the gym I hit beast mode and had a great strength training session which got the endorphins pumping and put me in a great mood for the rest of the day! Continue reading