Go gadget go

Maybe it all started with watching inspector gadget when I was little but I can say that I am gadget girl. I’d like to think a gadget girl is different to a fad girl who follows the next hottest diet or workout but I’m sure it’s the same thing. I have this thought process at the back of my mind where I must think that if I get that gadget then I will be fitter or healthier or hotter. I know it’s not true but I do know that I tend to postpone things until I get ‘that’ gadget. For example years ago when my hubby was working at Rebel (an Australian sports store) I didn’t start exercising until I had a new pair of shoes and a polar heart rate monitor. Of course neither of these items meant I wouldn’t succeed if I didn’t have them.


I think the power of the gadget (and the latest fad) is that you get caught up in the hype and excitement of something new. If this is what motivates you then I don’t see a problem with it at all. But if, when the gadget or the fad starts to lose its shiny new appeal, you fall off the wagon and back to your old habits then that’s the problem. It took me a long time to realize that was what I was doing. I have let my polar battery die 3 times because I stop using it for long periods and then decide I need it to workout again. I have 3 sets of dumbbells at home that were collecting dust for a long time but I’m using them again on those days when I do a bikini body guide workout at home. I no longer use my Fitbit to track my steps anymore (I will post a review on the Fitbit because it did motivate me to keep moving but now that I love an active life I don’t feel like I must hit 10,000 steps every day). When I was training for my triathlon I had to buy swimming essentials like goggles and swim cap but I also got ear putty and a kick board and almost got kick fins.

IMG_0028.PNG There are plenty of gadgets and accessories that are essential and having the latest one can motivate you and make you feel good. Getting earhook headphones for Christmas last year made a difference to my running because I didn’t have to earbuds constantly falling out anymore. I could have channelled my inner gadget girl and asked for some wireless Bluetooth headphones but I scaled it back a bit and asked for what was functional :)

IMG_0030.PNG I don’t know if there is a difference between a gadget girl and a fad girl. And the reason I wonder this I because I have ordered a Thermomix and I can’t wait for it to arrive. I am already thinking about all the wonderfully healthy foods I can make and the green smoothies I’ll create. I feel like my healthy eating is on hold until I get my thermie. I say that because hubby and I have eaten out three times this week and each time we have finished the night off with ice cream at Baskin Robbins. I know I’m getting too relaxed with my eating and I know I want to do better and eat better to be better. But there’s nothing stopping me from being in control of my healthy eating right now. I have a blender and a food processor and all the other kitchen accessories my Thermomix will replace. They may not do as good a job as the thermie or as quick but they still do the job. It was when I realised I was waiting for my thermie to put my ‘healthy’ hat on that I realised just how much of a gadget girl I was.

IMG_0023.PNG My running buddy and I had joked about it one day when we were training for a half marathon and I was all decked out in my running gear with my headband, ear hook headphones, sweatband, arm band with my phone all ready to use my running app, Fitbit, Polar watch and heart rate monitor, knee brace (I had to protect my knee injury) and to top it off my flashing reflective armband. I had to make sure we were going to be seen running by the road after the sunset didn’t I?! I had known I was into my gadgets and accessories but that was just because my hubby used to get discount and still had friends that worked there so we always knew what the latest thing was and at least I wasn’t paying full price. I think the excitement of something new is a good thing. You are always more motivated at the beginning of something. But if you are solely relying on that something new to motivate you then you won’t succeed with your goal.

With that in mind I pledge to focus on healthy eating and after I buy supplies on the weekend I will make that green smoothie, those protein balls, some overnight oats, and finally try an acai bowl. The only reason I haven’t made them in these past couple of weeks is because of me. All those old excuses – I’m too busy, I’m tired, it’s too hard – were coming back. And so was my just plain laziness. There’s no denying it. But now I’m acknowledging it and I am going to use this self awareness to empower myself and start taking the steps to do better, eat better and be better!

2 thoughts on “Go gadget go

  1. Like the inspector gadget analogy… Plus I loved that programme! I used to focus on comfort before I could exercise to the point of if I forgot ,y towel then it would be a case of “ahh well, guess I can’t train”. šŸ˜„


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